Sunday, May 27, 2012

Undefeated Soccer Champions!

We ended the Spring Soccer season as undefeated champions, with a record of 10-0.  Although at this age they don't keep score, we as parents and the coach did.  We had a great group of kids on the team and very supportive parents this year.  It was definitely a great experience and something that we will probably do again.  Addison ended the year with a total of 5 goals and she certainly improved each game.  By the end of the season, she was dribbling the soccer ball all the way down the field.  It was wonderful to see her having fun. 

The undefeated team at their last game of the season

Taking her turn to sit for a quarter

Kicking off

playing with the only other girl, Sarah, before the game

Trying to get in on some of the action
Soccer cupcakes and orange gatorade after the last game

He wanted a cupcake too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Won't be long before Rhyder is playing soccer too and the reward afterward seems to be the tastiest!!!!! :}

Homemade Bread

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