Monday, December 2, 2013

Book It Program

Addison had to read 6 books to Chad or I in the month of October to get a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut....and she did it!  She was so excited to get her certificate and we are so proud of her and her reading.  I remember this program when I was a kid and am so excited that it has continued this long.  I hope it stays around to encourage kids to enjoy reading.  Chad had a poker game at the house with a bunch of guys from Schreiber, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to take Addison for her pizza.  Addison just completed her 6 books for the month of November and now working on December, so we will be visiting Pizza Hut pretty regularly, which is ok with me!

She ate every bit of it!

He wanted to join in on the fun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY ADDISON!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep up the good work!! Reading can be so fun and can take you away to cool places!! So glad Rhyder got in on the good 'ole pizza, he loves reading too!!

Homemade Bread

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