Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

October flew by and all of a sudden it was Halloween!  We had a great time trick or treating with lots of friends and visiting scary houses all together.  We carved pumpkins, painted pumpkins, and ate too much yummy candy!  
Getting the guts out!

Their carved pumpkins....Rhyder wanted scary, Addison wanted funny


Rhyder painted a pumpkin at his babysitters house.  It turned out so cute, just wished I could keep it without it spoiling.

He made a pumpkin face with stickers at his fall party at preschool
Our little Ariel

Scooby Doo and Ariel too!

Part of our Schreiber family

She scored way too much candy

He has the biggest sweet tooth, probably his favorite holiday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure do love all that fun y'all are having up there in Missouri, keep it up, makes for great memories!! Wish we were there!! We sure are missing you four, can't wait till Christmas!!

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