Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Night Before Preschool and Back to School Night

Well, it's time for Rhyder to enter into the preschool world.  He has been waiting so long to go to school, and now the time has arrived.  So the night before the big day, he too received a "Surprise Ball" like Addison and we read the book The Night Before Preschool.  He was so excited to get a ball too!


Addison's first day of Kindergarten was also Back to School Night at the preschool Rhyder is attending.  He got to see the classrooms and play on the indoor playground and he even found a familiar face that he had to have a picture with!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RHYDER, how fun was all that with your surprise ball, you sure got alot of neat stuff!!!!! Have fun in preschool, you'll have so much fun, we're so excited for you!!!!!! Love you so much, Grandma and Papa

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