Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Night Before Kindergarten

I was looking to do something special the night before school started and came across what is called a "Surprise Ball."  It looked like something I could do and do it without spending a whole lot of money, so I decided to take on the challenge.  I thought this could be something we did each year the night before the first day of school.  It turned out to be a lot of fun making and Addison enjoyed it a lot.  The first thing you need is a lot of crepe paper (I bought this value roll at Hobby Lobby for $1.29 and it was more than enough.  Then you need lots of little toys or trinkets to roll up into your surprise ball.  I used silly putty as my middle and started rolling crepe paper around it and continued to roll into a ball adding all the toys. 

silly putty, erasers, Dora bandaids, hair clips, princess rings, and a headband
Everything all rolled up in a ball!
Excited to get a surprise
Wondering what's inside
Trying to get through all the crepe paper
The first surprise!
Still finding things
She made it to the middle...the silly putty!
So EXCITED and had so much fun!
We ended the night with books all about school.  We read I Love School, Llama Llama Misses Mama, and The Night Before Kindergarten.  Then it was off to bed with visions of school supplies dancing in her head. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the greatest idea I've seen in a long time, love it love it love it. What a wonderful surprise for such a special big girl, Addison it sure looks like you had a really fun time opening up your pretty purple ball of goodies!!!! Have a fun time in big kid school!!!!

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