Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The First Day of Kindergarten

My little girl is growing up too fast and has officially started Kindergarten.  She did so great today, but I cried like a baby after we left the campus.  She is such a big girl and we are so proud of her.  I just can't believe it's already here. 

Walking into Nibley Elementary

Walking the halls
Bulletin board outside of her classroom

putting her backpack up

She found her name tag
Addison had a great first day.  She told us that she LOVED the first day of school and can't wait to go back tomorrow.  She made lots of new friends, but couldn't remember their names and got to see some of her teamates from Spring Soccer.  Her favorite part of the day was math where she got to color rainbow numbers.  She loved art and playing outside.  She said there was a water fountain on the sink outside of the bathroom, which she thought was cool.  She loves her teacher, Miss Larkin and I have a feeling it's going to be an awesome year!  
After school treat at Twizl Berry and Daddy took her to
eat shrimp for supper, just the two of them

Tired after an exciting day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandma and Papa are so proud of our sweet sweet big girl. so glad you had a great day, so many more fun days to come, what a special day for you all, enjoy the rest of the year, it'll go by so fast!!!

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