Saturday, January 7, 2012

Early Christmas

Christmas came early this year for our family.  We flew to Texas the week before Christmas Day to celebrate this special holiday with all of our family.  Friday we took Granny, or Meme, as the kids call her, out to the Angry Catfish for her birthday and to spend some time with her.  The restaraunt was so good and as a bonus, we ran into Popeye and Janell.  We had a wonderful time and the kids so enjoyed seeing Meme. 

Saturday, we spent the day with Papa and Grandma and celebrated Christmas.  It was a day of cooking, baking, lots of gifts, laughing, sleeping, games, talking, and lots of fun. The cousins had a great time playing together.  It was a wonderful day together.

The kids waiting for the cousins

Addison waiting patiently to open gifts

The princess castle she wanted

Relaxing on his Toy Story couch

Sunday, we celebrated Christmas with Big Daddy and Grammy.  We did some cooking, played lots of games, exchanged gifts, played with new toys outside, and enjoyed time together catching up.  It was another great day together with family. 

Addison excited for another day of Christmas

The roller skates she was dying to have

Rhyder trying to figure out his remote control car

Monday, we made a trip to Stephenville to take care of some business and we got to spend the afternoon with some of our friends.  It was a very fast trip, but we were very fortunate that they were able to spend some time with us. 

Tuesday, we took the kids over to see Popeye and Janell and to deliver a Christmas present.  While visiting, the kids started singing some of their songs they often sing, and Popeye got his guitar out and played along with their singing.  It was so neat to see them singing and playing music together.  At one point Rhyder got the harmonica and started playing it.  It was such a special time for us and we had a wonderful visit. 

The week went by so fast, but it was full of special times for our family.  We had so much fun and thank everyone for their hospitality. 


Anonymous said...

Papa and Grandma loved every minute of our Cheistmas together, days like this are filled with so much love, sometimes it feels like your heart will go pop!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooops spelled
Christmas wrong, sorry love you all!!!

Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....