Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rhyder's Actual 4th Birthday!!

Rhyder's actual birthday fell on a Thursday.  He didn't have school, but got to go to Mrs. Pam's, his babysitter, that day and play with his friends.  After school, we went to the house where Rhyder got to open up a few gifts that he had received and FINALLY get to chew a piece of gum, which he has been dying to do for a long time.  We had Family Farm Night at the fairgrounds that evening.  There was a petting zoo, several tractors to climb on, a hayride, face painting, apple and pumpkin exploring and stick horse races.  The kids had a blast and when it was all over, Rhyder wanted to go eat at Golden Corral.  When we got home, we sang to Rhyder and had yummy birthday cake!  It was a great day for celebrating

Happy 4th Birthday Rhyder!!

Opening up a little something from us

So excited to get Gummy Worms!

He's waited so long to be able to have gum like his big sister

His first piece of gum

He opened up gifts from Carolyn!

Opened up a card and money from Meme

Family Farm Night with all the animals

Getting to climb on all the tractors

Got his face painted...but wanted to wipe it off as soon as he got it

He saw this cake in the grocery store and couldn't quit talking about it!

Daddy and Rhyder cutting the cake with his Jake sword

Blowing out his candle

Rhyder cutting the first piece of cake

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Syndi for all the blog, would not know what to do without them, such a good way to be a part of our precious family. WOW what a fun time you had Rhyder, grandma loves all your pictures and seeing all you got to do on your big day!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHYDER!! Four years old, how cool is that!!!

Homemade Bread

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