Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 2...The Freedom Trail

We started off day two with a lot of walking.  We explored the history of Boston in a 5 walk on the Freedom Trail.  It was absolutely amazing the amount of history in Boston and although we were tired after walking all that way, I am so glad that we took the time to do it.  We also treated ourselves to a yummy dessert from Mike's Pastry Shop, a popular bakery in Boston. 

Paul Revere's tomb

Ben Franklin's tomb

The Old South Meeting House

The Old State House
The site of the Boston Massacre in front of the Old State House

Stopping for lunch....lobster mac and cheese

Paul Revere's home

Old North Church, where the lanterns were hung

inside of the Old North Church
Bunker Hill Monument

USS Constitution

Mike's Pastry Shop

The dessert I had...a tiramisu cup and Chad had a cannoli


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The history is amazing to see, we are so glad this was something y'all took the time to do and we hope you always get to do this stuff over the years, never never stop traveling if your capable, there is so much out there in just the fifty states, much less the whole world. WE LOVE IT!!!!

Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....