Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

This year for Valentine's Day, both Addison and Rhyder had to have their own Valentine boxes for school.  I was so excited to help them make one because they have never had to have one before.  I had the kids think for a couple of days about what they wanted to make and Addison decided on a Rapunzel tower and Rhyder wanted a Batman box.  So we got started on them.  I searched the house to see what I could find to use for both and found quite a bit.  We've been so busy lately, that we got started a little late on them, but they turned out great, I think, and the kids loved them. 

Taking their Valentine boxes to school

Rhyder's Valentine Party

Making a Valentine card for Daddy

Handing out his Valentine cards

All dressed for her Valentine's Party

Handing out her Valentine cards

Having fun with her brother at her party

Being silly with Fruit Roll Ups!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ADDISON AND RHYDER, WILL YOU BE MINE!!!!!! So glad you two had such a great time at your parties and boy those boxes were the BEST I ever seen before, gonna be hard to top that for next year!!!!! XXXXXXOOOOOXXXXXOOOOOXXXXXOOOOOXXXXXOOOOOXXXXOOOOOXXXXOOOO LOVE GRANDMA AND PAPA!!!!!!

Homemade Bread

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