Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow Days

We had a winter storm blow through Clinton on Thursday morning and we got 8 inches of snow with some freezing rain.  It kept us out of school on Thursday and Friday so we were stuck at home for several days.  Because we were here at home, we came up with some fun activities to do. 

Our house and yard covered in snow

Addison made cakes with her Easy Bake Oven while Rhyder took a nap

Our Steve Spangler Science experiment using milk, food coloring, dawn dish soap and q-tips.
Adding the food coloring to the milk

We covered the q-tip in Dawn soap and placed it in the middle of the milk

Watched as the colors swirled around and began to mix together

Painting to make butterflies

Our finished butterflies

Tent camping in the middle of the living room
Sledding behind the four wheeler



Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT ALL, SO MUCH FUN UP THERE IN MISSOURI!!!! Lets see some picture of mommy too!!!!!

Megan said...

Thank you for updating. It's so fun to see what you guys are up to. Your house is beautiful. I hope you are doing well. Addison and Rhyder are growing they are so cute. It makes me sad to look at your blog because I miss you guys so. I love the pic. of Rhyder dressed up by Addison. We'll have to try that science experiment. We are always needing some type of project. Keep the posts coming. That's great you are working at Rhyder's preschool.

Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....