Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sledding at the Sinks

Our friends from Stephenville, Cory and Krystal, came to Utah for a quick visit.  Neither one of them have been to Utah, so we got to show them around the area.  It was very fast, but we had a lot of fun.  Saturday morning, we headed up into the mountains near Bear Mountain and Bear Lake and went sledding at the Sinks.  We had a blast!  Here's some video of Addison sledding.  She made it down the mountain in the first video, but crashed in the next one. 

Chad and Rhyder headed down the mountain

After a morning of sledding, we headed back down the mountain and over the Hardware Ranch to see some wildlife.  Hardware Ranch is full of about 2-300 elk.  It was an amazing site to see.  We got there a little late to see the elk up close.  Because of the weather, including the strong winds, the elk were on their way back up the mountain when we got there. 

Riding on a horse drawn wagon up the hill

Elk going up the hill

The view on our way back down the hill

Wildlife we saw on the side of the road

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart just grows so big when I see something so amazing as these beautiful elk, one of Gods mighty creations and to know that y'all got to see it makes it even the more special. Treasure the time you have with these beautiful sights, hopefully they'll be around for many years to come for other generations to see. ENJOY!!!!!

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