Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Fun Day

Because of Martin Luther King Day this week, Addison didn't have school on Monday,  so we decided to have a Snow Fun Day.  We woke up that morning and it had actually snowed on our Snow Day.  It was perfect!  The kids were so excited to get started with all the fun activities.  

My basket full of activities

Two excited little ones

First off, breakfast...we had snowman pancakes with craisin eyes and mouth, mini m&m nose, banana and m&m buttons, peanut butter toast and banana hat, and whipped cream snow and marshmallow snowflakes. 


During breakfast we talked all about the snow and who made it.  I took the opportunity to open up the Bible and go over scripture about snow with the kids.  This is the one we talked about...Job 37:5-6
 5 God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
    he does great things beyond our understanding.
 6 He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
   and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’

After breakfast, we read the our first story, The Biggest Snowman, and then we put together a snowman with pieces that I cut out of paper. 

On to our next activity...whipped cream finger painting.  This got a little messy.  It was a good thing, the next activity was a bath!

After the kids got out of the bath, we got dressed in our snow suits and went outside to paint in the snow.  We used spray bottles and added water and food coloring to spray paint the white snow. 

Our rainbow we painted!

After painting in the snow, we went inside for some more fun.  While I made the kids some lunch, Addison and Rhyder did some q-tip painting to resemble snow and glued cotton balls on construction paper to make snowmen.  

When they finished painting and gluing, we set their artwork aside to dry. (We decorated them after their naps.)

Then it was time for lunch! The kids worked up an appetite playing in the snow and Addison ate everything on her plate.  The head of the snowman was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the body was a cheese sandwich.  The eyes were craisins, the nose a mini m&m, and the mouth a mandarin orange.  The hat was made of pickles and the snowflakes were crackers and swiss cheese. 

Addison's empty plate

After lunch, the kids help me make the batter for cupcakes and then it was off to take a nap.  While the kids slept, I baked the cupcakes and left them out to cool. When they got up, they helped me decorate them and we made more snowmen!

Then we had one for a snack!  Rhyder had a little accident with his...

After our little snack and getting everyone cleaned up, we finished decorating our snowmen from earlier in the day.  Here they are finished. 

Our last story we read was, THERE WAS A COLD LADY WHO SWALLOWED SOME SNOW!  It was a hit.  They wanted to read it over and over. 

After we read several times, our last activity of the day was all about sensory.  We brought the snow inside to the kitchen sink.  The kids played for about 45 minutes with it.  At one point I heard Rhyder say, "This is fun!"  It made the whole day worth it. 

This was a great day full of lots of fun and time spent with these two special kids.  I loved every minute of it and can't wait for the next fun day!


KathyM said...

I'm very impressed, Syndi!! Two great kids. Hope everything is going great in utah!

Anonymous said...

This just made my day!!! Seeing my grandkids having all that fun is what they call priceless!!! Syndi your creativity is a wonderful thing, I'm so proud of you!!! Love you all sooo much, Mom

Shirlee Martindale said...

What a great day!!!!

Homemade Bread

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