Monday, December 2, 2013

Twister Sports

Addison recently joined Twister Sports Gym in Warrensburg and has begun competing with other girls and boys from all over Missouri and Kansas.  We tried out tumbling classes when we were in Utah and she progressed so much in a short time, we decided to continue pursuing it when we moved to Missouri.  Not familiar with the area or the gyms available, we tried one in Clinton, but wasn't exactly what we were looking for to help her continue to grow.  After being here a while we found a gym about 30 miles away from word of mouth and decided to try it.  She has been at the gym since July and has competed in two competitions in Kansas and has three more competitions coming up in the new year.  She has improved so much, gotten stronger and just yesterday, mastered her back handspring all by herself!! Not bad for a 6 year old! We are so proud of her. 

First competition, all dressed in her Twisters gear

So excited!

Before the competition, holding her spirit lollipop!
Number 8, ready to compete
Opening ceremonies
After winning First Place Team Award!!
First competition, 4th place...She did awesome!!
The day after competition holding the team trophy
Second competition, 2nd place...moving up the podium
First place team again...Way to go TWISTERS!
Addison with her favorite coach, Mrs. Angie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day we will get to be there and watch you perform Addison. We are so excited for your tumbling adventure and you look so cute and adorable in your uniform, just like mommy and aunt Sybil!! HAVE FUN!!

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