Thursday, August 15, 2013

Meet the Teacher

Summer days have gone by and now school is beginning.  I can't believe it's already time to go back. This summer went by so fast and before we knew it, it was time to meet Addison's new 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Lankford.  When we went in, Addison found out that she will have two teachers until December.  Mrs. Brown is doing her student teaching during the fall semester for the University of Central Missouri.  Addison was so excited to find out she had two teachers.  She was also excited to find out that her best friend, Emma, is in her class and they sit right by each other and share the same locker.  We already had a talk about listening and not talking to Emma during class. Addison also found out that Mrs. Lankford has a white bunny rabbit.  She's so excited to start!

the tag on her locker, a Clinton Cardinal

standing by her desk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at her go!! Gonna be a great year!!

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