Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ist Day of !st Grade

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  We have a 1st grader!  How did this happen?  Addison had a great first day of first grade.  She came home all smiles, which makes for one happy mama!  She said she loved everything about 1st grade, especially going to computers and the fact that her best friend is in the same class.  She said that lunch was a lot shorter than it was in Kindergarten and she enjoyed not having to take a nap.  She really likes both her teachers and she got to play with some of her friends from last year on the playground.  We finished the great day with dinner at Golden Corral, her choice, and dessert of cotton candy!  What an amazing day for her.  We love you Addison and are so proud of you!

Having some fun flying before we had to leave

Walking all by herself 

Henry Elementary

The "C" is for Clinton Cardinals

Her name tags for her and her desk

Sitting at her desk with her school supplies

Her name tag

Her first locker


PeeJay said...

I cannot believe she's already in 1st grade. Seems like just the other day she was a four month old at my house. And she wasn't a fan of naps here either! We sure miss y'all.

Anonymous said...

Wow such a big girl now, don't really know what to say other than we are so proud of her and love her so much!!! Sure makes for a great school year with a happy child and so happy for her to be with her friends and for her to love school and her teachers, couldn't get much better than that!! Have fun mom and dad being parents of school age kiddos, it's gonna be a blast, busy, but a BLAST!!

Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....