Wednesday, July 24, 2013

10 Year Anniversary Vacation 1st Day

Chad and I were married for 10 fabulous years on December 28, 2012, so we decided to take a trip to celebrate. We planned a trip to the New England states for a week.  A couple of weeks after school let out for the summer, we loaded up the kids in the truck and dropped them off in Texas for a week with the grandparents and Chad and I were off on out first stop...Boston, Mass. The first day of our trip was spent on the plane and then exploring downtown Boston, mainly around Boston Commons.

Grabbing lunch at Boston Commons

The Frog Pond, where everyone ice skates in the winter.

A Boston Bruins jersey was placed on several of the statues while we were there

The finish line from the Boston Marathon, still painted on the street

Memorial from the Boston take a piece of ribbon
and write on it and tie it to the fence

Trinity Church

The reflection of the church in the building

We made a stop at the Cheers bar before dinner

The oldest restaurant in the United States, open since 1826

Our first seafood meal of our trip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, the sights, the food, and these pictures are so good, of all of Boston and its history, its AWESOME to see all of this!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Love you!!

Homemade Bread

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