Thursday, February 21, 2013

Addison's 6th Birthday

Addison loves to bowl and she asked to go bowling for her birthday.  We were so blessed to have most of our immediate family drive up from Texas to celebrate her 6th birthday with her.  She was so excited to celebrate her birthday with her cousin, Lexie.  Their birthdays are 2 weeks apart so we all decided it would be fun to have one birthday for both of them. 

Addison and Lexie

Shayli, Addison's friend from school

The traditional grandparents photo

We took Addison to Toys R Us to pick out her own birthday present.  She decided on a Polly Pocket Salon and Polly Pocket Roller Coaster!  She crashed out on the way home.  It's hard work picking out a toy in a place like Toys R Us. 
After Addison and Lexie's birthday party, all of our family went back to our house and we had a fish fry (Addison's choice) and opened up presents.  After supper Addison was eating a chocolate covered mashmallow we had made for the party and her front tooth fell out.  The tooth fairy was so generous since it was her birthday, she got $14 dollars.  It was a great ending to a wonderful day.  Thank you to all who shared it with her.  We are truly blessed with an amazing family!


Anonymous said...

Oh man we wore her out, to much partying, such a tired little girl, love her so much!!! HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY ADDISON!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We had a BLAST that weekend!!!! It was so great to be with all the family, and Syndi you and Chad did a wonderful job with all the party stuff and putting up all your family, thank you for all you did, it is greatly appreciated!! Your house is BEAUTIFUL, we loved it and can't wait to come back!!! Love you all Mom and Dad P.S. Your home was more than beautiful, IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!

Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....