Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bug Day

So March was coming to an end, and I felt that I needed to do something fun with the kids for this month, so I decided to have "Bug Day!"  The kids had the best time and I had a lot of fun preparing for it.  Here is my basket of goodies for the day.

We started off the day just like any other day with breakfast, but this morning we had a caterpillar on a branch made out of pancakes!

I think this was probably the first time Rhyder has finished a pancake in all the times we have had them.  After breakfast we dug into a jar for all different kinds of bugs and talked about each one of them and what characteristics an insect has to have to be considered an insect. 

I think he thought this bug was real!

Rhyder loved the bugs. He played with them all day

After examining all the bugs, we sat down and read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a favorite with our family. 

After reading, we got out the paint and painted the kids hands and made a caterpillar.  When it dried, I added all the details to it.  They turned out really cute and the kids adored them. 

With both kids having messy, painted hands, it was time for a bath, or something like it.  The kids got dressed in their swimsuits and got in the bathtub and I gave them capsules that turned into some type of bug when immersed in water.  They probably played over an hour in the bathtub with these bugs.  It was one of their favorite activities. 

After all the fun in the bathtub, the kids were getting hungry.  We had a butterfly lunch!  The wings were a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with skittles on top, the body, a hotdog, and the antennaes were pretzel sticks. 

We squeezed a lot of activities into that morning, so it was off to take a quick nap.  When the kids got up, we did some more painting.  Rhyder painted a wooden bumblebee and Addison painted a butterfly.  They did a great job and were so proud of their work!

After painting their bugs, Addison and Rhyder got their very own bug house.  We went outside even though it was a little chilly and looked for live bugs.  We actually found some.  They were super excited and didn't want to stop.  We found several spiders, a rollie pollie, several worms, an one interesting looking bug that I have never seen. 

It was then time for a snack.  How about a spider made out of oreos and pretzels sticks!

Another fun book about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly and then a friendly competition of the Ladybug Game, one of our Friday Night Gamenight games. 

To finish off the day, the kids had a banana and peanut butter caterpillar and bug juice.  It was a BUGGY DAY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! What fun!!!! Wonderful Wonderful Ideas, so creative you are Syndi, I'm so proud of you. love and miss you all so much can't wait for the next fun day!!

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