Tuesday, March 13, 2012

McDonalds and Movie Playdate

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not." from the Lorax

Since moving to Utah, we've had several playdates with friends, usually consisting of lunch at McDonalds and letting the kids play on the playground, playing at the park when the weather is nice, and playing at each others homes.  But this week, we decided to go see the new Dr. Seuss movie, The Lorax.  We stopped at McDonalds for a bite to eat and made our way to the theater.  I was a little nervous to take Rhyder because the last movie we tried to take him to was the Smurfs and he made it through the previews and about 1 minute of the movie and that was it. We had to leave.  To much of my surprise, he did an awesome job and sat or stood through the entire movie.  It was that good!  The music was great and has an awesome message.  I would highly recommend it to all ages. 

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