Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Eve

We made it back from Texas just in time for Christmas Eve.  We have a couple of traditions in our house that we have developed over the years.  One tradition is Chad and the kids decorate a gingerbread house each year.  They have a blast doing it and it always turns out so cute. 

The finished project!

Another tradition we have is the kids get new pajamas from us and then we go look at Christmas lights.  This year was a little different because Christmas fell on Sunday and the church we attend had Christmas Eve service to take the place of the Sunday service. So we attended the Christmas Eve service, which was wonderful, and then we went to look at Christmas lights.  We always order pizza for our Christmas Eve dinner, so after we went to look at lights, we ordered yummy pizza and then gave the kids their new pajamas. 

Going to the Christmas Eve service

Making reindeer food

Oats, red and green sprinkles, and glitter

Addison sprinkling the food on the lawn

Cookies the kids decorated for Santa

In their new pajamas

Goodies for Santa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love traditions with family, knowing you four are enjoying all the fun makes my heart just beam with excitmemt!!!!

Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....