Friday, April 3, 2020

Our New Normal

We have been quarantined to our home because of the corona virus that has affected our country and our world within the last 4 weeks and so far we cant see an end in sight.  Our kids are doing virtual school online, churches are closed, non essential stores are closed down, restaurants are only serving take out, grocery stores are out of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, baking ingredients, and meat.  People are wearing masks and gloves when they go out in public.  Anytime you go anywhere, you have to stay 6 ft away from everyone else and there can't be more than 10 people in a place at a time.  It's a very weird time to have to navigate through, but we are faithful in our Lord that he will take care of us and although we don't know what the future holds, we know that God holds the future.

Our calendar went from being completely full to wide open. All school activities and programs are cancelled, all softball tournaments and practices postponed, and it looks like we'll have to get real creative to celebrate Easter with our loved ones. Even though we miss being able to see and spend time with our family and friends, it has been a nice change to live a simpler, less complicated, and more meaningful life right now. Our kids are playing outside, soaking up the beautiful sunshine. We are noticing spring in every bloom and blossom, right in front of us.  We are sitting down at the table for every meal instead of driving through a fast food place and eating in the car on the way to a lesson or practice.  We're spending much needed time with our kids playing games, camping our in the backyard and making smores on the fire pit and having movie night.   I can honestly say that I believe God, who makes no mistakes, is giving us an incredible gift and we are planning on using it wisely and I hope you do as well! Let me leave you with this...2 Corinthians 1:9 Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.

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Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....