Monday, November 10, 2014

Another New Adventure

Well, another new adventure has begun for our family.  Chad's job with Schreiber Foods has moved our family north to West Bend, Wisconsin.  It's a much different climate than what we are used to.  We have seen snow already twice, with one of them being on Halloween.  The temperatures this week are starting to drop into the twenties for the highs and its still only November.  It's crazy!  The kids are starting their fourth week in school and are having a lot of fun!  Addison is a 2nd grader at Fair Park Elementary and her sweet teacher's name is Mrs. Nannetti.  Rhyder is in his last year of preschool and also has a sweet teacher, Mrs. Gross.  They definitely miss their schools in Missouri and all of their friends, but they are adjusting well.  We are making our way around the town and are loving that we have way more conveniences than we had in Clinton.  We've found the grocery stores, the home improvement stores, and KOHLS and HOBBY LOBBY!  We've experienced our first hockey game and saw the West Bend Bombers.  I think it will be something that we will continue to do since the kids enjoyed it. The kids are starting a learn to skate class starting the end of November and Addison is starting her new gymnastics class at the YMCA tomorrow.  We're enjoying everything so far now that we are not surrounded by moving boxes.  Who knows what the future holds for our family, but we'll enjoy everything we can while we're here because we won't be here forever!

Taking a hay ride at the pumpkin patch

The Milwaukee Bucks mascot, Bango on the hay ride

The snow on the ground on Halloween

The West Bend Bombers

Playing at the park
The leaves changing colors in front of our house

Trick or treating in our neighborhood

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Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....