Sunday, May 27, 2012

Addison's 5 year pictures

Back in February when we were in Texas for Addison's 5th birthday party, we had her 5 year pictures made.  We got them back this past week and I wanted to show some of them to you.  It was very cold that day with some rain and maybe even light snow, but she did so great smiling for the camera.  Here is a look at some of them. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a fun day with all the grandkids, we have the most beautiful grandkids ever, so so so proud of them, their so funny and intelligent, love Addisons pictures, SHE WAS FREEEEEEEZZZZING!!!!!!!

Homemade Bread

Because of all the recent events in our country right now, going to buy staples, like bread, in the grocery store has become very difficult....