Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Easter 2012

Easter this year was a little different than what it has been in the past.  We spent Easter in Utah this year.  Addison had an Easter Egg Hunt at her preschool, where she brought home lots and lots of candy!  We had a neighborhood hunt at one of our neighbors house, where we got to meet some new neighbors and talk with the ones we have already met.  The Saturday before Easter, we had a city egg hunt.  I think there were more children than there were eggs.  The Easter Bunny came and visited our house and left eggs for the kids and gifts in their Easter baskets on Sunday morning.  We had a wonderful church service that morning and came home and made Easter lunch.  That evening, we went to a friends house and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and the kids hunted Easter eggs again.  Needless to say, we ended up with a lot of candy in our house!

Addison ready for her hunt at preschool!
On our way to the city egg hunt

Ready to hunt!

Waiting to hunt

The Easter Bunny!

Opening gifts from grandparents and great grandparents...
THANK YOU Papa and Grandma, Big Daddy and Grammy, and Granny!

Gifts from the Easter Bunny!

Ready for church

We hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating our King!  Happy Easter. He is Risen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family we have, such gorgeous girls and handsome boys! We missed all of you so much at Easter especially Lexie and Nathan, but we all enjoyed celebrating with each other and will see you four soon. Love you more than you know!!!

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